
If you have the desire to serve families and help students thrive academically, we would love to have you on the team! We require that our tutors have a background in education or experience teaching children. We are looking for educators that can teach elementary, middle school, or high school students! We are a Christian company and value hiring individuals that are able to teach through a Christian worldview.

Important details: 

Fill out the application below if you would like to be considered for a position with Family Focused Tutors: 


If you have any questions about working with us, feel free to reach out through email with any questions you might have! familyfocusedtutors@gmail.com

Reviews from our current tutors!

"Working for Family Focused Tutors has been a great experience! Hannah is amazing at her job making sure students are a good fit for each tutor. Also she is always available to help and encourage me!" - Katie Schneider

"Working for Family Focused Tutors is such a pleasant experience. Every tutor is very well trained and can help in whatever subject is needed." - Juliana Whitehurst

"10/10 I would recommend this company! I absolutely love working for this company, their passion and love shows with everything they do. As a teacher, I get to make custom lesson plans that fit the needs of my students. I get to work 1:1 with students who are excited to learn and grow." - Maddie Price